A joyful noise to the Lord ruminated from the BruBaker house five months ago, when they brought home their son Lewie! The BruBaker’s adopted Lewie as a newborn from the Indianapolis area. Though the road to adopting Lewie had some blind curves, the BruBaker’s faith helped them find their son.
Though the BruBaker’s already had two young children, Freddy and Winnie, they couldn’t get the idea of adoption out of their minds. They investigated international adoption, but felt that a long overseas trip would be very difficult with two little ones. Sarah found out that African American women were being turned away from adoption agencies due to the limited number of couples willing to adopt an African American child. At the time the agency they were investigating had only 6 families willing to adopt an African American baby. Fortunately at the time of this article that number had increased to 20, but at the time since the BruBaker’s saw race through God’s eyes, it was an open door to uniting with their child.
In domestic adoption the birth mother is the key decision maker. The BruBaker’s prayed that they would be spared the unnecessary pain that comes from a fall-through, that the birthmother would know that their child was meant to be with them, and that they could share Jesus’ love with the birthmother. In the end, the Brubaker’s prayers were answered. Lewie’s birthmother did believe he was meant for them, and the Holy Spirit gave Sarah the words to say to her. Lewie was going to the mom and dad God had planned for him since the beginning of time.
To help with the financial aspect, the BruBakers’ received a Hands of Hope Adoption grant and interest free loan. Sarah said that she felt weird asking friends for monetary support in funding Lewie’s adoption. She was glad they did, since her friends and family were happy to play a role in Lewie coming home. But this underlines the continuing need for Hands of Hope to provide these funds to adoptive families.
“I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.” Job 42:2 NIV