The holidays are here, as evidenced by twinkly lights, chilly temps, and fun family traditions. It’s a season marked by gratitude and generosity, two things that have the power to change communities. While many of the children and families we serve struggle this time of year, we know that Christmas is the celebration of Christ, our Immanuel — God with us.
Because Jesus came to be with us, we get the privilege of being with others. By showing up for other people, we bring the healing love of God to broken homes and families every day. If you know someone who is a foster or adoptive parent, here are some gift ideas to make them feel seen and loved this Christmas:
- Coffee warmer: If you have kids, then you’re probably all too familiar with the taste of cold coffee. Coffee that stays warm has the power to change the life of any parent!
- Restaurant gift cards: Find a family-friendly restaurant! Better yet, offer to watch the kids while the parents have a night out on you.
- Gas station gift cards: Foster and adoptive parents are often driving to court appearances, therapy sessions, and other meetings. Tack on sports practices and youth events, and you have a quickly dwindling gas budget. Gas station gift cards make a huge difference for the families we serve!
- Amazon gift cards: It’s impossible to predict what a family will need with each new foster placement, so Amazon gift cards can be a lifesaver when you’re in a pinch.
- Meals: Offer to make a meal for your friends, scheduling it for a date and time that’s convenient for them.
Gifts like these have the power to bring encouragement and restore hope. It might not seem like much, but these small acts of support will remind your friends that they are not alone. In a season when we celebrate how Jesus showed up for us, let’s show up for others.
Written By: Maggie Johnson