FAM Basics Registration

Register for the FAM Basics Clinic

Why attend the FAM Basics Clinic?

We want to support you in the work you are already doing and equip you with the tools and resources to continue to grow in the ways you serve vulnerable children and families.

This self-paced online course is ideal for all levels of engagement. Whether you’re looking for new resources, acting as the Point Person at your church for meeting physical needs through CarePortal, or leading support groups for foster families, this webinar will support you in the work of serving vulnerable children and families.

This course must be completed within 30 days.

What is FAM Basics?

In this introductory course, you will learn the essentials of engaging your church in caring for vulnerable kids and families. No matter the size of your church and no matter how you plan to engage, you will benefit from learning the best practices of the model called Family Advocacy Ministries (FAMs).

Registration for the FAM Basics Clinic includes a handbook and access to more than 50 resources. During the Clinic, we will cover the following key topics with best practices:

  • Creating a Focus
  • Communicating with Church Staff
  • Intro to Trauma for Churches
  • Child Welfare & Foster Care Basics
  • Awareness Strategy & Activities
  • Basics of Serving Vulnerable Families
  • Recruiting Volunteers

We look forward to supporting you as you serve vulnerable kids and families.

Interested in joining a larger network of churches who are committed to caring for children? Our Church Network is a no-cost, resource rich opportunity offered to churches with similar beliefs and those willing to do at least one thing to serve vulnerable children. If you would like your church added to our Church Network, please review the Statement of Faith.

*Please Note: Address and Church are required in order to receive materials for this training