India Home
Visit Faith In Deeds Children’s Home
Trip Details
Faith in Deeds is a Children’s Home in India where the children are able to grow up in a family atmosphere while learning about the ways of Jesus. Trip costs are carefully budgeted, but the total price is estimated until the actual airline tickets are booked. Costs may vary between the two trips primarily because of the difference in airline ticket prices based on the time of travel.
Winter Trips
This trip allows for a significant amount of time spent with the children of Faith in Deeds doing activities such as singing, crafts, games, sports, beach time and more. The purpose of this trip is to go deep and grow long lasting relationships with the children. The March trip may conclude with a side trip to the Taj Mahal after spending a week at Faith in Deeds.
Faith in Deeds in southern India
February 6 – 15, 2025
Age Range
This is a great trip for families of children 16 and older.
Faith in Deeds in southern India
February 28 – March 9, 2025
Estimating $2600
Age Range
This is a great trip for families of children 16 and older.
Each trip is limited to 8 participants.
$35/month covers basic necessities
Sponsorship Opportunities
Our sponsorship program allows YOU to be a significant influence in the life of one of these children! What makes the sponsorship different?
100% of funds received go directly to children's home
Funds support all the children at the home
Focus is literal or societal orphans who are not currently adoptable
Opportunity for a more personal relationship through mission trips, letters, and care packages
About Faith In Deeds
Faith in Deeds provides the disenfranchised children of India with a family atmosphere where they are educated to make properly informed life-decisions and inspired to love each other and their community.