DCS CarePortal Training
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Module 2 – Learn Best Practices
What are the best practices for using CarePortal?
The most critical part of creating a request in CarePortal is to write a compelling case description, which clearly conveys the need to the ministry partners to help the children and family. This module will inform you of the best practices to follow when composing a case description.
1. Maintain the Honor & Credibility of the Agency
- When sending a request to CarePortal you are representing DCS. Please check grammar, spelling, and content before submitting them.
- If you need further assistance, ask your supervisor, coworker or agency representative to check the description to make sure it makes sense.
2. Highlight Family Strengths
- Tell the positives about the family or child you are working with. For example, what are they doing well? If they have completed their services, mention that in general terms. Brag on them!
- The request should be written in a way that the client could read it and agree to share the information.
3. Keep it Confidential
- Only NON-CONFIDENTIAL information should be shared on CarePortal. No names, addresses or phone numbers.
- You may list that clients are working hard on completing services, but not what those specific services are.
- Include children’s ages/sizes/gender only if requesting age-appropriate items or clothing
4. Avoid DCS Jargon & Abbreviations
- CarePortal provides you with an opportunity to educate the public about what we do. The information submitted on CarePortal goes to ministry and community partners who may have no idea what your job involves.
- Terms like “kinship” could easily be described as aunt, grandparent, family friend, or relative.
- TTV/THV can be described as the child is being placed back with their parents.
- It is important to avoid using terms or acronyms common in DCS language that someone in the community wouldn’t readily understand
5. No Cash or Gift Cards
- Cash and gift cards should never be requested because most needs can be met in another way. If you feel that a gift card is the only option to meet a need, work with your supervisor to ensure all other options have been exhausted. Gas cards are the only exception and can be approved by your supervisor. Any other situation will need to be approved by your regional CarePortal Manager.
- No cash or gift cards should pass through your hands. It is critical to protect your integrity and the integrity of DCS.
- Cash should never be provided by the partner directly to the customer. In cases where money is required, we link the partners straight with the agency needing the funds (utility, landlord, daycare, etc).
- Be creative and think outside the box. Our goal is to help connect the adults on your case with the adults from the ministry partners.
6. Gather & Document Necessary Details
- Before submitting a request to CarePortal, ask yourself the question, “Do I have all the details for the ministry partner to meet the need?” Some details belong in the request description, some do not.
- Details to Include: If the family needs clothes and shoes for their child—include information such as gender, clothing sizes, shoe size, and preferences (such as skinny jeans or sweatpants).
- Details Not to Include: These details shouldn’t be in the description, but you need to know them before making the request so that you’re ready when a partner reaches out for more information.
- Directions needed to deliver items
- Account number and exact amount of a payment for rent or utility assistance (We require you have a copy of the bill or lease prior to submitting the request into Careportal)
- Type of payment (such as check or credit card)
- How a ministry partner can directly pay for that need
7. Connect Ministry Partners & Families
- One of the goals of using CarePortal is to connect relationally. Always attempt to provide an opportunity for the family to connect with the ministry partner.
- Sometimes a connection is made that extends past the first transaction, and the family may be able to receive further support from the ministry partners, thus meeting the purpose of Child Welfare Services to improve the well-being of children and families.