DCS CarePortal Training

Module 2 – Learn Best Practices


Recap of Best Practices


Maintain the Honor & Credibility of the Agency


Highlight Family Strengths


Keep it Confidential


Avoid DCS Jargon & Abbreviations


No Cash or Gift Cards


Gather & Document Necessary Details


Connect Ministry Partners & Families

Let’s Review Your Understanding

Answer the following question to test your understanding of Module 2.

Given the following scenario, write story for a CarePortal Request.

Ryan Smith is a 14 year old boy that has been placed in residential care for the last 9 months while completing an intensive treatment program. Recently, Ryan’s adult cousin, Jim, became an option for placement, and Ryan will be transitioning to their home next week. Ryan has recently gone through a growth spurt and most of his clothing no longer fits him. Jim is also in need of a bed and bedding for Ryan so that he has his own bed to sleep in. You recognize that the family is on a limited budget and needs financial assistance for these items to lessen the stress on the family. Ryan has a high level of needs and any support from the community would help Jim have the support he needs to have a successful and maintained placement.

Let’s look at a request recently submitted in CarePortal. Based on your training is there anything inappropriate you notice from this request?

Jason Brown is a child that has recently been placed with family at 116th and Michigan. Jason has medical issues and has to keep in close contact with medical team weekly at Riley’s Children Hospital. The BM has little income and the child’s kinship placement is on fixed income. DCS is requesting $200 to obtain a digital scale to weight the child frequently, so they can report to the medical team. FCM can take this to the family.

Your score is

If you’ve completed the quiz above you may finish module 2 and continue with your training.




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14350 Mundy Drive,
Suite 800 #119,
Noblesville, IN 46060