Term: Private Adoption Agency

Hands of Hope Blog

Hey everyone!


It’s that wonderful time of the week once again- time to add a new brain wrinkle!


For all you concerned youth seekers out there, no worries! I’m fairly certain these wrinkles won’t show through,… aside from in conversation, of course.


Anywho, today’s phrase is:


Private Adoption Agency


Private adoption agencies are those funded by some means other than the government.

As such, they can be divided into two groups:

 – Nonprofit organizations (NPO)

 – For-Profit organizations (FPO)


NPO’s generally receive funding through donations while FPO’s receive their funding primarily through fees charged.


Generally speaking, private adoption agencies tend to place only waiting children who have adoption plans already in position. On occasion, however, they will also place waiting children who are currently in foster care.