Help with Support Groups

Support for Foster and/or Adoptive Families

Foster and adoptive parents need support from two kinds of people – those who love them and those who get them. Providing a support group does both. Those who love them are able to serve by providing hospitality and childcare while they get much-needed time with others walking the same journey, so they don’t feel alone. You can start a virtual or in person support group to provide this support for foster and/or adoptive families.

Ways To Serve

Physical Space

open your building and classrooms


provide food or snacks for those attending


recruit and background check volunteers who can show children the love of God and keep them safe while their parents meet


coordinate the time for parents to include sharing and relationship building, training through books, resources, or professional speakers. Check out recommended resources here.

Host a Support Group

If you are interested in learning more about hosting a support group at your church or working with other churches in your area to do so, we invite you to join our Church Network where additional resources and networking opportunities are made available!