Mission Trip to El Salvador

Hands of Hope Blog

On June 11th Hands of Hope will be sending a team of 21 to San Salvador,
El Salvador, lead by Mary Coombs and myself.  This is the ministry’s
second mission trip to the country.  The primary focus of the week long
trip will be the children living at Exodo orphanage.  Trip participants
will be hosting a VBS program and birthday celebration for the children
as well as completing several small construction projects.  When not at
Exodo, the mission team will have the opportunity to visit a special
needs school to enjoy activities and a snack with the children, hand out
food to some of the poorest families in San Salvador, and experience
the local church, food, geography and history.

On a personal note, having gone on this trip last year, I absolutely
cannot wait to see the kids at Exodo!  I have the same excited feeling
as visiting good friends I haven’t seen in a while.  I am curious to see
how much the kids have grown, if the orphanage grounds has changed
much, and how the chickens are doing!  I can’t wait to take pictures and
have the little boys grab my camera to see pictures of themselves!  I
look forward to singing happy birthday to them and watching them
interact with others on the trip like they are anything BUT strangers!  I
look forward to having them giggle as I struggle to speak just a few
words in Spanish.  I can’t wait to get teary eyed as the girls sing
worship songs.  But most of all, I cannot wait to see how God uses us,
uses me to ….

Learn to do right, seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause
of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17