Hands of Hope’s partner orphanage Faith In Deeds, in India, received their sheep that will be used for helping support the children.
Dear Hands of Hope,
It is with great joy we share with you our gratitude for the herd of sheep and fence we were able to purchase with your generous donation! Last week, Thomas and Seenoo , the local shepherd who is caring for our 10 sheep with his own, bought and installed a new fence to keep the sheep safe when they are not grazing. Last Saturday, we took some more pictures to better express our appreciation for your gift to Faith in Deeds. We took 21 of our children to meet the new herd of sheep. They had fun seeing the sheep and several of them were excited to hold the lambs. Ashwini, Phil & Kathy’s sponsor child, especially enjoyed the little white lamb.
Our 10 sheep and two extra lambs are being kept in the new fence you provided with Seenoo’s other sheep. You’ll notice a few extra sheep in the pictures. Today, our sheep are being branded with “HoH & FID” on their ears so that there isn’t any confusion in the future of which sheep belong to who. Through a government program, we are applying to purchase inexpensive insurance on each of our sheep so that if any of the them die from disease, we will be reimbursed half of the money we purchased them for. Within a year’s time, we anticipate this herd of sheep to save the children’s home $200-$300 a month in meat. Thank you so much for making this possible!
There are so many great Bible lessons that involve sheep and shepherds, especially the Good Shepherd. We are thankful that our FID children can better understand these lessons as they see them illustrated through these sheep. “Know that the Lord is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture.” Psalm 100:3
About two thirds of our children are finished with their dentist appointments. We also have purchased a pregnant goat. Thomas’ brother-in-law is keeping it for us. So you will be hearing from us again soon.
Blessings to you all,
Dana & ThomasP.S. On the way home from seeing the sheep, little Joseph was sitting on my lap and playing with my hands. It gave Thomas a good idea for a couple pictures that we thought Hands of Hope would like.