It can be easy to feel paralyzed by the problems in our community. What can I do? How can I help?
Those are the questions that Bob and Lisa Schloss began to ask themselves several years ago. As a former deputy prosecutor and a licensed social worker, Bob and Lisa had a front-row seat to the victimization of children in their own backyard. They were heartbroken over the glaring needs of the most vulnerable children in their community, so they asked God how they could be part of the solution. Every time they asked this question, God led them to take one more step of faith. First through fostering children and then by founding New Song Mission children’s home in Brown County, Indiana.
New Song Mission is a Christian home for children that aims to provide holistic growth and discipleship for those in their care. Many children’s homes in the U.S. receive government funding, but not New Song. Because New Song relies solely on the generosity of churches, individuals, foundations, and businesses, children can live in their facility for as long as they need. The sponsorship program allows low-income families to send their children for free, which is another unique feature of New Song!
Bob and Lisa Schloss have taken steps of obedience, saying yes to each door God opens for them. When asked how their experience with New Song Mission has shaped their faith, they’ll tell you, “It’s been a refining process. We’re learning to trust God with the unknown and depend on Him for our daily needs.”
The Schloss family believes God continues to provide for the children under their care through people in their community — people like you. A gift to the New Song Mission Children’s Scholarship Fund enables at-risk kids to grow socially, spiritually, and physically. You don’t have to be paralyzed by the problems in your community anymore. By becoming a sponsor through Hands of Hope, you can be certain that you are actively working to see children and families find hope and healing.
Become part of the solution today by clicking here (100% of funds go directly to New Song).
Written by: Maggie Johnson
Picture: New Song’s Facebook Page