Residents of Madison County have fought long and hard to do what they can to assist those in need, but often time experienced roadblocks or did not know how to reach out to help. They did not know what they could do to assist those children and families in need or how to connect to them. In the countless meetings I attended during my time in Madison County, the passion and compassion of those around the table was palpable with everyone wanting to make a difference.
To help a family.
To reduce rates of child abuse and neglect.
To keep kids alive, to keep them safe.
To keep kids out of the foster care system and with their families.
To really help those families who were struggling in their time of need.
They just did not always know where to turn or how to help.
The Care Portal allows those within the community a way to connect with those families in need and provide real-time, potentially life-changing assistance. The Care Portal fills the gap of those who want to and have the ability to help with those who need help the most. It is the true definition of community support.
The families were ecstatic to have some tangible needs met and felt relieved and more grateful this was provided by the community rather than DCS directly. Additionally, it created social connections between the family and the churches. This offered the families additional resources and places to go should another emergency or need arrive.
I am confident Care Portal will do great things in Madison County as it opens the door to quickly and efficiently meeting the needs of our families. I am excited to see the positive impact it can have on our community.
Want to learn more about CarePortal? Click here.
** Excerpt from a speech given by Ashley Krumbach with Department of Child Services during the Madison County CarePortal Launch Celebration on June 18th, 2020.